Monday, February 6, 2012

Weekends killing your healthy eating? Here are a few tips on how to defeat those cravings!

So here's the for instance... You have your weekend planned out so that you can keep exercising and eating healthy, BUT your friends have other plans (of course).

Plan A:  Lets have a party for the game this weekend!!
Of course there are a great deal of temptations that can arise at a house party, mostly on the snack table, but you can avoid these with a few simple tricks.  Firstly, if you're bringing something for the party, pretzels are a great subsitute for chips because they have very low fat and calories but give you the salt that I'm sure you'd be craving while eyeing the chips and dip.  Secondly, BYOBW (bring your own bottled water) it will keep you from splurging on the empty calories in the soda and beer that is going to be present.  If you still think you'll have a hankering for a sweeter drink just grab a packet Pure Crystal sweetener or a Propel to avoid the extra calories and sodium that comes with soda.  Finally, dessert.... ohhh dessert!  Really there are only three ways to avoid spluring on the potentially diet defeating desserts that could be present. 1. Bring your own clean eating or low sugar baked goods (I find a lot of my recipes on or 2. Avoid staying long enough to be tempted. 3. Give in but have only 1/2 of a normal portion (1/2 a cupcake, a small square of brownie)... although I don't recommend #3 unless you have amazing will power and are leaving the party immediately after you eat your first serving of dessert.. otherwise you will probably partake in your second and third servings, too.

Plan B:  Let's go out to eat!

There are a few ways to help you plan this out to avoid diet disaster, too.  1. When restaurants are chosen, try and ensure it is one that has a healthy menu option.  I always check out the restaurants I go to online to make sure they have healthy items on the menu, or at least ways I can make them healthy.  Knowing what you're going to order before you go in prevents a lot of caving in to hunger pains and cravings.  Avoid appetizers and desserts!  There are very few, if any, restaurants that serve healthy appetizers; and I'm sure there are none that serve healthy desserts.  If you're hungry when you arrive just add a salad to your meal with light or low-fat dressing on the side (they always put way more than you need); and if others order appetizers then ask for it with the appetizers.  Some restaurants do have low-calorie/low-fat soups that can be ordered, as well; although I would be weary of these because of potentially high sodium content. 
Alrighty and we all know everyone's real problem at restaurants... THE BREAD.  Yes, some places do serve wheat and multigrain bread but that does not always mean you should eat it.  Let me put it into perspective.  Even if you order a light meal and side salad your calories are more than likely already at a staggering 600 calories, add a couple of pieces of bread and you're at a lovely 1000 calories for 1 meal... not really conducive to losing weight, is it.  And just to be sure you don't have a misconception about flavored drinks, they are about 300-400 calories alone... so I recommend water or diet soda.  Overall, you should be able to make plenty of healthy decisions when out to eat.  The key: plan ahead.

Plan C:  Come over to my parents' house for dinner

So, for me this has been one of the biggest challenges.  My mother-in-law has planned a huge dinner with the family and cooks all of the food Southern style, AKA not healthy in the slightest.  I have to admit that this is one of the hardest situations to conquer for many reasons.  Normally, you don't need to bring anything for dinner; however, if you do have the opportunity when planning begins then ask if you can bring something so that you can have your delicious healthy option. That being said, if you are told nothing is needed there is only one thing to do when faced with a lovely meal that your mother-in-law has prepared.  NIBBLE.  You are able to determine which items are the least healthy options, so go with very small (or no) portions of the least healthy items (with the excuse that you're not a fan of so and so).  Avoid mashed potatoes and buttered rolls altogether, if possible.  I have definitely used the line, "I've already had some," before, too... to avoid a certain unhealthy option.  Although the veggies will probably have butter or oil I would eat a couple of servings of the veggies to avoid other options.  Try to avoid casseroles or have one spoonful if necessary.  If the meat isn't fried then go for a decent portion, and if it is go for about a half or quarter portion.  Overall, very small portions will fill you up with nice Southern Style cooking just drink plenty of water and eat slow so that you know when to stop.  You may end up having to chalk this one up as a loss, that doesn't mean go crazy... just do your best to get by for now!

By the way I have to share my favorite app for when you're dieting and exercising to help keep track of your food intake, Myfitnesspal.  The website,, has the same properties and you can add friends and ask questions to the community!  It gives you a certain caloric intake daily and allows you to track it via phone or online.

Well I hope that covers all of the bases, if there are questions feel free to email me or respond to this post!  Good luck!

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