Monday, December 19, 2011

Where does your city rank?

So I've reviewed the list of America's Fittest and Fattest Cities and I must say that I am quite suprised that LA and Vegas showed up on the "more sluggish" end of the list.  You would figure with the number of performers they have per capita in each of those cities that their ranking would be significantly closer to fit than fat... But surprisingly, this was not the case at all!  According to Men's Health Vegas is one of the most gluttonous, sedentary places in the US. 
Moving on however, there were a few things that the fitter cities did seem to have in common: tons of recreation; more gyms, parks, outdoor activities than other more sedentary cities.  And a funny thing I noticed was that one city actually had 57% less bars than most cities, making it harder to get that beer belly!  Anyhew, the list is linked here so check out where your city ranked.

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